In my opinion many producers are claiming to be ‘eco’ in their products without taking steps to a ‘greener product’. Nevertheless we have companies who really are investing in more ecological products, for example Phillips obtained the price of European Green TV 2010-2011. (Phillips, Green TV 2010-2011).
In 2006 Greenpeace outlined a quarterly report card aimed at scoring companies active in the electronics industry. The report card is part of the campaign against the use of toxic materials in electronic products, it is an example of how Greenpeace wants to decrease e-waste. The first year it wasn’t a great success at all and only Dell and Nokia achieved a respectable score. Only a few companies were following a green strategy in 2006, however, four years later we notice that Nokia and Dell have been the trendsetters of producers who are avoiding toxic materials.
For the moment Greenpeace is running another campaign aimed at the decline of greenhouse gases within the IT industry. IT providers such as Google, Facebook, etc. pretend to be able to reduce greenhouses gases by 15% from 2007 to 2020. On the other hand there is a need to make a difference between companies who are taking actions and those who aren’t.
In 2006 Greenpeace outlined a quarterly report card aimed at scoring companies active in the electronics industry. The report card is part of the campaign against the use of toxic materials in electronic products, it is an example of how Greenpeace wants to decrease e-waste. The first year it wasn’t a great success at all and only Dell and Nokia achieved a respectable score. Only a few companies were following a green strategy in 2006, however, four years later we notice that Nokia and Dell have been the trendsetters of producers who are avoiding toxic materials.
For the moment Greenpeace is running another campaign aimed at the decline of greenhouse gases within the IT industry. IT providers such as Google, Facebook, etc. pretend to be able to reduce greenhouses gases by 15% from 2007 to 2020. On the other hand there is a need to make a difference between companies who are taking actions and those who aren’t.
Seppe Bodequin
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